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Missouri Ploud Project

Welcome to Missouri's Ploud Home!

Missouri Ploud provides websites to small and rural libraries hosted by the vendor, Enfold Systems, and is subsidized by the Missouri State Library with Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds.

What is the Ploud Project?

Ploud (Public Libraries in the Cloud) is a cloud-based website hosting service provided by Enfold Systems, Inc. for libraries with minimal to no website or only an online presence on social media, such as Facebook. This enables rural and small public libraries in Missouri to have a digital platform where they can provide information about and access to library services and resources, both online and in-person, to better reach and serve their community. 

The Missouri State Library offers one-on-one trainings to new Ploud libraries to teach staff how to personalize their website before they go live. It is up to the Ploud library how their website looks and functions, while the State Library provides the tools.

The Missouri Ploud Project is 100% subsidized by the Missouri State Library. A library must be located in Missouri and be certified for State Aid to join the project.

Why use Ploud?

A Ploud website is highly customizable. New libraries are given a template that they can easily change the look of through the four themes and many color schemes available in the website builder. Many useful features are built in such as an easy-to-use calendar for library events with event registration, a list of online resources and databases, and a Contact Us form. A library can develop as much new content as they want, making their new website as basic or detailed to fit their library's needs. You can also choose your own domain name with Ploud.

Along with hosting the website, Enfold Systems also provides a help desk and ongoing development.